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Navigating the future of higher education through the European Universities Initiative

Gepubliceerd op: 20 juli 2023 | Laatst bijgewerkt op: 21 juni 2024

Since 2019, the European Universities Initiative (EUI) has facilitated the transnational cooperation of universities across Europe, supporting and enabling universities to adapt to changing conditions, to thrive and to contribute to Europe’s resilience and recovery. After the 2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals for this initiative, there are now 50 European Universities involving more than 430 higher education institutions in both capital cities and remote regions of 35 countries, including all EU Member States.

Initiating and supporting alliances, and securing EUI-funding

At Nehem, in line with our own commitment to societal impact and deep belief in education as a catalyst for change, we dedicated a significant portion of our work to supporting the development and foundation of EUI Alliances in the submission rounds of 2020 and 2022, of which one proposal was ranked first among all submissions during those years. For the 2023 submission round, we supported a further 4 EUI Alliances, both new and existing, who were successful. Since the beginning of the initiative, Nehem has secured over 126 million euros in funding for our clients.

Our team prides itself on combining thought-leadership with a hands-on approach to developing European University Alliance’s innovation, strategic, education and research ambitions. Our strength lies in our deep understanding of policy context and European Commission (EC) priorities. This is built on sustained relationships with our client alliances, fostering an environment that helps tackle emerging challenges and contribute to new developments in the wider EUI community. This knowledge, coupled with our proven success in proposal writing, offers a distinct advantage to any knowledge institution looking to thrive in the competitive European Research Area.

Most recently one of our clients, Mona Roman, the coordinator of the successful 2023 U!REKA Alliance has indicated of our collaboration, “At U!REKA we are very happy with the collaboration with Nehem in the proposal development, especially the professionalism, devotion and customer-orientation of Nehem’s consultants.’’ Further remarks about our services have been provided by the successful and returning 2023 Aurora Alliance. Of our collaboration, the Aurora project manager Maria José Montaña Correa says, ‘’We really thank the Nehem team for their guidance, patience and support during the writing of the proposal. We are very happy with the results and look forward to starting this new phase of Aurora.’’

Strengthen the core missions of universities through knowledge-creating teams

The European Universities Initiative has evolved significantly since its inception, shifting its initial focus on fostering bilateral and multilateral cooperation between European universities to becoming a flagship initiative of the EU’s education and research strategy. Key to the EUI’s transformation has been the incorporation of “knowledge-creating teams”, which highlights the synergy between education, research, and service to society – the three core missions of universities. As the EUI programme moves toward becoming a lighthouse for the “European way of life”, Nehem is well-placed to guide institutions through this journey. It has a clear track record of supporting universities in embracing the policy priorities of the EU, such as the green and digital transition – a growing focus of societal and geopolitical concern, ensuring that alliances are well-aligned with the future direction of the European Universities Initiative.

    The European Universities Initiative continues to evolve, and Nehem is developing with it

    Recognizing these changes and building upon our wide network and experiences across the European University Initiative, Nehem continuously tailors its services to align with the evolving focus of the initiative. As the EUI moves to emphasize challenge-based education, research, and societal contributions, Nehem’s approach keeps pace, supporting alliances in navigating these nuanced developments.

    In the future, we seek to continue this rewarding collaboration with universities, acting as a reliable partner in navigating this next phase of the initiative. We at Nehem extend an invitation to work together to build resilient and forward-looking alliances that can shape the future of European higher education. With Nehem’s expertise and your academic vision, we can make a tangible impact in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future for Europe.

    Are you ready to become part of this exciting journey? Let’s collaborate to make your ambition to become a European University Alliance in 2024 a reality.


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