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Interreg NWE focuses on inclusive societies in North-West Europe region

Gepubliceerd op: 6 november 2023 | Laatst bijgewerkt op: 21 juni 2024

Interreg Northwest Europe is a European territorial cooperation programme supporting the green, smart, and just transition of the North-West Europe region. A new call will be launched on 15 November. The deadline for step 1 is 21 March 2024. In this article the experts of Nehem will specifically focus on ‘inclusive society’, one of the five priorities of the programme.

What is the goal of Interreg NWE?

The Interreg North-West Europe Programme (NWE) is part of the European Cohesion Policy and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It has been created to foster cooperation in North-West Europe, and therefore the programme seeks projects that will deliver results to improve the quality of life of citizens and reduce disparities within the regions. Seven countries are participating in the 2021-2027 NWE programme: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Switzerland.

What kind of projects do qualify?

Interreg NWE is a territorial cooperation programme. Therefore, projects are expected to address transnational challenges and opportunities present in NWE territories by applying a placed-based approach. Each project must specify why it is needed, what challenges and opportunities it will address, and what changes it aims to bring about in NWE territories.

A good example of an Interreg NWE project is the Scale-Up4Rehab project. The project guarantees equal access to rehabilitation care and promotes the resilience of health systems across Northwest Europe. The project, which officially started on 1 September and runs for five years, thus takes an important step forward in the digitization of the rehabilitation sector. Nehem’s experts were involved in the successful Interreg NWE application under priority 5 ‘Inclusive society’.

Interreg NWE: five priorities

Interreg NWE has five priorities:

  1. Climate and environment
  2. Energy transition
  3. Circular economy
  4. Innovation and resilience
  5. Inclusive society:
    • enhancing the effectiveness and inclusiveness of labour markets and access to quality employment through developing social infrastructure and promoting social economy
    • ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family-and-community-based care
    • enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion, and social innovation.

The already mentioned Scale-Up4Rehab project is a good example that fits perfectly within priority 5.

Upcoming call

Over the lifetime of the Programme, 287 million euros of ERDF funding will be allocated to projects. Projects follow a two-step application process. If a step 1 application form will be approved, the full project application (step 2) can be developed and submitted. A new call will be launched on 15 November. The deadline for step 1 is 21 March 2024.


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